Who we are

Unicare, the brokers specialised in health insurance entirely dedicated to the GEM.

Created in 2000, Unicare is an independent broker specialised in collective health insurance contracts. It provides services only to members of the Groupement des Entreprises Multinationales (GEM) and their employees.
Driven by the values of proximity, attentiveness, audacity and excellence, our team of specialists meets the requirements of quality, responsiveness and comfort that multinationals expect in the daily management of health, accident and loss of earnings insurance, through direct services.
We place our experience and knowledge at your disposal with the single objective of making the daily management of insuring corporate personnel easy and efficient. Freed from the management of health insurance, you may serenely concentrate on your area of business.
The strength of a group at our side
To meet the need for innovation required by a health insurance market that is becoming more and more regulated, we rely on the skills provided by Swiss Risk & Care, a group of brokers co-founded by Unicare in 2014.